Education officer
The Norwegian Refugee Council is an independent humanitarian organisation helping people forced to flee. We work in crises in 31 countries, where we help save lives, rebuild futures and promote the rights of people who are displaced. We deliver high-quality aid where needs are greatest, in both new and protracted crises.
NRC in Palestine
In Palestine, NRC provides humanitarian assistance and promotes respect for international law in one of the longest-running displacement crises in modern history. In the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and Gaza, NRC’s work includes emergency preparedness and response, education, ICLA, protection, shelter and WASH.
Project Background
Specific responsibilities
Our Ideal Candidate must have:
The Better Learning Program- BLP is a big component of the NRC education Program in Gaza; it is the result of a successful, long-standing research practice collaboration between NRC and the University of Tromso. BLP offers psycho-social support through a three-phased intervention: i) classroom-based psycho-educational support approach targeted at all children integrated flexibly into classroom practice and linked with other PSS topics/approaches (BLP1), ii) a small group intervention to support resilience among a more specific target group of academic under achievers through five group sessions facilitated by teachers (BLP2) ; and iii) specialized, clinical approach to address nightmares which many children experience as chronic symptom of traumatic stress, consisting in individual and group sessions provided by school counsellors (BLP3). Recently, the NRC Education Program in Gaza- Palestine intends to carry out an EiE new intervention, this intervention will be three-fold: 1) support most vulnerable MoEHE schools focusing on helping children recover their lost or reduced learning capacity, strengthen resilience and promote well-being by applying the BLP. 2) Support the DES through the provision of material assistance. 3) Coaching programs for teachers and counselors that may include INEE Conflict Sensitive Education (CSE), Teachers in Crises Contexts (TiCC), PSS-BLP and Emergency Preparedness; and 4) the constitution of a strategic Advisory Group, falling under the education sub-cluster.
The main responsibility of the Education officer is to contribute to the quality in the implementation of the education project.
Specific responsibilities
- Ensure minimum 80% of the time participating in project field activities
- Participate in team planning, regular meetings, and M&E activities in coordination with the Technical Officer (including FGD, pre-assessment, post-assessment, research & evaluations taking place during the course of the year etc.)
- Based on needs assessment results, work closely with school management, teaching and non-teaching staff on designing, planning and implementing project related activities
- Implement, follow up, and supervise the project implementation in assigned schools/ Designated Emergency Shelters (DES)closely with school management and supervisors/Master Trainers
- Observe teachers/counsellors’ performance to ensure project activities are implemented according to quality standards and provide structured feedback in line with a training plan based on gaps identified
- Ensure keeping accurate records of project data for assigned schools (KoBO data entry, targets, assessments, beneficiaries, pictures, beneficiaries’ feedback etc.)
- Prepare, revise, and develop teaching/non-teaching staff training materials/packages based on needs/gaps identified and lead/facilitate the required training sessions/workshops for teaching and non-teaching staff in target schools, in a collaboration with schools’ management
- Implement awareness sessions for parents and teaching staff in assigned schools
- Develop individual work plan to address the needs of the target groups to be shared with PC
- Collaborate with partners in the implementation of approved activities and ensure their implementation is in accordance with the agreed plan
- Follow up on teaching and non-teaching performance attendance and commitment in assigned schools, and provide needed technical and logistical support
- Prepare purchase requisition according to approved activities plan, budget, procurement and requests from PC.
Our Ideal Candidate must have:
- Bachelor’s degree in Education or other relevant fields
- At least 3 years of experience in the field of Education in Emergency (EiE)
- Experience in EiE capacity building techniques
- Relevant work experience- working in psycho-educational programs will be considered as an asset
- Experience of and commitment to participatory approaches to aid and development.
- Experience from working as a Project Officer in a humanitarian/recovery context
- Previous experience from working in complex and volatile contexts
- Documented results related to the position’s responsibilities
- Fluency in Arabic, both written and verbal
- Good knowledge of English
- In this position, you will join a highly motivated and experienced team who are making a difference for vulnerable people in one of the world's most complex humanitarian crisis.